Shane Wotherspoon

Results-Based Dental Marketing

Guaranteed New-Patient Bookings for Dentists, orthodontists, periodontists.

Implants - Invisalign - General and Cosmetic Dentistry. Traffic, leads and conversion to calendar bookings. Results within 48 hours of going live. No results? No fees.

Dentists, orthodontists, periodontists don't need traffic and leads. They need booked appointments.

I'm Shane Wotherspoon, and these are two of my team members, Griffin (the cat) and Nero (the staffy).

For over 10 years, I’ve worked with dental professionals. Initially, my focus was on improving their visibility.

For most clients, this worked great—better visibility led to more traffic, more enquiries/leads, then their teams followed up and converted those leads into booked appointments.

But some clients weren’t getting the same results despite getting the same traffic. Meaning, the problem wasn't lead generation, it was lead conversion.

These practices lacked the websites and follow up processes required to turn cold internet traffic and leads into appointments. They were accustomed to warm , pre-sold leads—like referrals—who booked appointments despite these limitations.

But, telling business owners that they’re the problem, isn’t a solution. It’s my job to find or create one.

So, I did. Now, my team and I manage the entire new-patient acquisition process. We generate traffic, attract quality leads, follow up and convert those leads into booked appointments, and reduce no-shows.

We take care of everything, so you don’t have to. All you want—and all you’ll get—are new patient bookings.

'Speed-to-lead' is everything.

  • If you don’t follow up an new-patient enquiry within 5 minutes, the odds of converting it into a booked appointment drop by 80%.

  • But, follow up within 1 minute, and those odds increase by 391%.

Automation and AI is the ONLY way to consistently achieve this speed EVERY TIME a new patient enquiry comes in. Even if your team could, they can’t do it 24/7.

See, it's not only about when you follow up—it’s how. Some potential new patients prefer email, others text, Messenger, phone calls, live webchat or to be sent straight to your online booking system. That’s why our automated, multi-channel system adapts instantly to each lead’s preferred communication method.

You must give these people the right information, at exactly the right moment, on the right channel, THEIR preferred method of comms. Only AI and automation can do this.

I’ve sourced the best follow-up and conversion technology I could find, and had it re-engineered specifically for dentists, orthodontists, and periodontists.

What happens next?

Most agencies charge monthly fees to generate traffic/leads and leave conversion to you. I used to do that too.

Traffic is the easy part. But it is pointless sending all this traffic if it doesn't convert to new-patient appointments.

That's why I take care of traffic AND conversion. And that's why you only pay for the result that matters -- appointments.

No new-patient bookings = no fee. Simple. Guaranteed ROI.

Book a demo now and see how we deliver new-patient bookings in your calendar within 48 hours of going live.

You got into dentistry to help people, not worry about traffic, leads, follow-up and conversion. Focus on what you do best and leave all this to us.

We'll get new patients on your calendar, you take care of them.

Shane Wotherspoon (BCM MMS) LLC

(646) 846-1558

3 Germay Dr, Unit 4

#1405, Wilmington, DE 19804

Copyright LLC 2025. All rights reserved